There are close to 60 dental schools in the country that offer quality care at a fraction of the cost of private dentists. I used them for years. An $800 crown can cost you only $200. Sure you get a senior student, but you also get a professor who is better than most private practitioners. Most also offer payment plans. For a school near you go to:’source=overture)
Income Eligibility: None
Also, the National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped started the Donated Dental Services program to help disabled and elderly persons who are low-income by matching them with volunteer dentists. Mentally compromised people are also helped. Volunteer dentists agree to treat one or two people each year with dental problems, and dental laboratories that make dentures, crowns, and bridges also donate services. The program now serves over 5,000 people each year with each patient receiving an average of $2,000 worth of services. In some areas of the country, Dental House Call projects have been started where dentists will come to homes or centers to provide dental care. To learn where services are located in your area, contact National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped, 1800 15th St., Suite 100, Denver, CO 80202; 303-5345360; Fax: 303-534-5290;
Income Eligibility: None
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