Free Mammograms And Breast And Cervical Cancer Treatment

An estimated two million American women will be diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer in the next decade, and half a million will lose their lives from these diseases. Screening could prevent up to 20% of these deaths for women over 40. The government’s Center for Disease Control will spend about $200 million a year to maintain a state-by-state program to establish greater access to screening and follow-up services. To find the program contact for your state, go to Each state runs their program a little differently. Most states have the following requirements: women starting at 40 or 50 years old, are underinsured or have no insurance, and have income below a certain level (usually $46,000 for a family of 4) . Some states can adjust eligibility requirements for special cases. States vary in the array of services covered, but they normally include: breast and cervical cancer screening, mammograms, treatment if diagnosed with cancer, breast reconstruction or prosthesis. States that don’t have direct funds for treatment often make arrangements with other facilities to provide treatment for free. If your screening has been done elsewhere, you can still receive free treatment under this program. Men diagnosed with breast cancer can also receive free treatment. Contact your county office of public health listed in your telephone book or your state Department of Health.You can also contact the main office of this program at Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, MS K-64, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717; 770-488-4751 or 888-842-6355; Fax: 770-488-4760;


Income Eligibility: Varies from program to program although usually $46,000 for family of 4


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