One-Stop Career Shopping

This listing is just one of 17,000 free money opportunities inside the Government grants Money Club. If the link is broken or the program has been cancelled, a more current program is available to members. The Free Government Money Club offers free assistance in locating government job and private career programs, grants and assistance plus free training videos on a wide variety of federal and state government grants including career grants .  Join today and get instant access, a personal librarian to help locate programs for you plus help filling out any application if you need it.

Are you tired of your old job? Do you need help training for a new career? Are you ready for a new exciting job? Well, the Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration’s Career One-Stop may just be your ticket. Career One Stop is a national online career development resource, which provides internet-based access for Americans, needing job search assistance, career guidance, salary data and training and education resources. You can find jobs from entry level to technical to professional to CEO. In addition to the online program, there are also Comprehensive One-Stop Career Centers located throughout the country. Each community has tailored their system to meet the needs of the citizens in their area. The centers may offer computers, career counseling, workshops and many other services. The number of centers is growing everyday. To locate the Career One-Stop Program go to their web site. For additional information and to locate your closest Career One-Stop Center, go to the service locator web site or refer to the appendix of this book for a listing. Contact U.S. Department of Labor, Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210; 877-US-2JOBS; 202-693-2700; 877-889-5627 TTY;; Career One-Stop:; Career One-Stop Center Locator:

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