No matter what your income and as long as your improvements will create a more energy efficient home, you can save a lot on interest rates and finance charges by using a subsidized energy conservation loan program. These programs are typically available from your state department of energy, a local government office or your utility company. State and local government offices can be found by contacting your state or city operators or Your local phone directory and library can help you locate your local utility companies. Be sure to check them all. Here is a sample of the kinds of programs available.
Income Eligibility: Varies by program and state; check with your local office to find out
the specific eligibility requirements for your area.
The Government Money Club offers free training videos, free live assistance for all types of free government programs, including government grants for college .
Need help Finding a government money program that meets your needs? Let Matthew Lesko show you how to use the free services inside the Government Money Club. Watch the video below to see how easy it can be to get started.
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