This listing is just one of 17,000 free money opportunities inside the Government grants Money Club. If the link is broken or the program has been cancelled, a more current program is available to members. The Free Government Money Club offers free assistance in locating government job and private career programs, grants and assistance plus free training videos on a wide variety of federal and state government grants including Free money for students . Join today and get instant access, a personal librarian to help locate programs for you plus help filling out any application if you need it.
If you have found yourself on the losing end of a plant closing or mass layoff, apply for money and re-training under the Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act. The program is administered by each state, and because of that, the program differs from state to state. Workers can receive classroom, occupational skills, and/or on-the-job training to qualify for jobs in demand. Basic and remedial education, entrepreneurial training, and instruction in literacy or English-as-a-second-language may be provided. For more information, contact your state Department of Labor in the blue pages of your phone book, or contact Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-5426, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210; 202-693-3580;
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